Curatatoria AZUR Upground în București

RomâniaCuratatoria AZUR Upground



🕗 programul de lucru

9B, Șoseaua Fabrica de Glucoză, 020331, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 21 528 0297
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4782863, Longitude: 26.1158127

comentarii 5

  • Sorina P

    Sorina P


    Favorite place for dry cleaning and fixing clothes, very prompt services!

  • Bogdan Grama

    Bogdan Grama


    Very rude personnel. Asked for a clean and the women there was speaking as if it would be her private property and she was providing me services for free.

  • en

    Alin M


    Expensive Apartments in a bad location. Traffic jams all day long, office buildings built too close to it and nothing to do in walking distance. Ok only if you like to spend your entire life indoors.

  • Bosh Epa

    Bosh Epa


    The location is really not bad due to the proximity of a big mall, but the whole buildings (at least the residential buildings are really very badly designed). Not just visually but also functionally. No baby stroller friendly entrance , just stairs at the entrance, 2 bedroom apartments are so dark, when you are sitting in the living room you basically look at your own balcony wall, if you open a window in a bedroom you basically see inside of another apartment. Water of the air conditioner of apartment above and your own is just flow thought the balcony. The whole design is made with the quantity in mind in my experience but not for quality living. There is a huge business park and many buildings on the site but the roads are really really bad to get there, no pedestrian access from the main road. The roads on both sides are always full of cars and very brocken streets. I wonder why all this big constructors and business parks didn't invest to make the infrastructure at least fit to the amount of apartments and office buildings they build there. Partly it may also be that the fault of the city who permit to build without put some rules to at least build roads to get there. Nobody thought of improving infrastructure really !!! Dont just build and build, Please take care the quality of the life of people who would live and work on those buildings. I really feel sorry for those who buy those apartments. If you are there for a visit as a tourist, dont waste your time and money i really suggest you to go to a hotel. I traveled many times and this was first and last in that apartments. If you really have to stay in that area i would choose hotel Caro or if you are visiting there are any reasonably priced hotels in all parts of Bucharest with great breakfast included and clean beds and better infrastructure.

  • en

    Aris Papidas


    Well organised with almost every potential personal need covered inside the block. Lovely view if one has access to it, with a risk of it being lost in a few years if more buildings rise around it. Quality of appartments however is average.

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