Cinema Elvire Popesco i București

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienCinema Elvire Popesco



🕗 åbningstider

Bulevardul Dacia, 020051, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 374 125 242
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.446553, Longitude: 26.1044829

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mihail Popazu


    High quality movies selection, first class facilities. Highly educated public, high standard cultural events.

  • en

    Theodor Stanescu


    Nice cozy cinema of the French Institute in Bucharest. Art movies, from time to time a theatrical show. The location is one of the most exquisite in Romania - next to the Ioanid Garden, with beautiful buildings - probably the best quarter in Romania, which reminds of Paris. The French Institute is the most representative french cultural place in Romania, well known for its adiction to the French language and French culture. Once the place was run by the academician Paul Morand (before he become an academician), which was married with the Romanian lady and very found of Bucharest. Enjoy it!

  • Sebastian Apostu

    Sebastian Apostu


    Probably the best cinema in Bucharest. It schedules loads of European and independent films that you cannot usually see in mall cinemas and some other events on the side. It has a cozy feeling to it as the room is not very big, but on the other hand the screen is slightly small.

  • Lvn Stn

    Lvn Stn


    Comfortable chairs and reasonable video and audio. The ticketing and reservation system is quite chaotic, not assigning seats to tickets, people fighting for a seat. I hope they find a smarter way to sell tickets.

  • Mădălina Şinca

    Mădălina Şinca


    Lovely, tiny cinema in the heart of Bucharest. Very clean & well-kept while also having a great selection of indie movies. Prices are also pretty low, especially if you're a student. :)

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