Ceainaria Bohemia Tea House în București

RomâniaCeainaria Bohemia Tea House



🕗 programul de lucru

1, Strada Poiana Narciselor, 010158, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
contacte telefon: +40 727 333 631
site-ul: bohemiatea.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.43968, Longitude: 26.091343

comentarii 5

  • Marius Tudor

    Marius Tudor


    Cozy, people are very nice! The tea is very good and it has plenty of choices. If you are a tea person and you are around, give it a chance! P.S. They have cats lurking around, kid of a game to spot them :P

  • Cristi Iordache

    Cristi Iordache


    A large selection of tea from around the world, to satisfy all tastes. Seating is organized in per rooms, giving you and your group a lot of privacy. Calling for the waiters is done using electronic buttons, so that one can preserve a quiet and intimate atmosphere. Appropriate for going out in a couple or with close friends.

  • Costin Onofrei

    Costin Onofrei


    Good smell and quiet music, mid to high prices. You get to play board games if you want, free of charge. Cool tea pot designs, make sure to not jam the cover as I did. Hope they safely unblocked it.

  • Doru Mihalache

    Doru Mihalache


    Cosy place, perfect for a date or if you want to go in with friends. They have pretty intimate chambers at ground floor with room only for 10 or 15 people tops and upstairs there is an open room with cozy sofas in the ground where you can gather in large groups. Also, the prices are good and the quality is very nice, especially at the tea category (earned the name for a tea house). The staff is nice and doesn't bother you (you have a button on each table to push if you want to order something)

  • Stafie Catalin Alexandru

    Stafie Catalin Alexandru


    One of the best selection of tea in town. At a reasonable price of around 12-16 lei (3-4 euros) you get what tea infusion you like and get to sit as much as you want with your friends in a cozy attic. The seats are cocooned shaped and very comfortable. Also the have board games that you can play there. Its a very good and relaxing experience. In the weekends its recommended to make a reservation because it gets full very quickly.

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