Casa Domnească i Brăila

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RumænienCasa Domnească



🕗 åbningstider

87, Bulevardul Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Brăila, Municipiul Brăila, RO Romania
kontakter telefon: +40 743 878 787
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Latitude: 45.2696836, Longitude: 27.9674444

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ovidiu Calu


    Special food, very good times and very good wines:) Superb live music in the evening.

  • Andrei Florin

    Andrei Florin


    Too large menu, if you ask me, beautiful house, a furniture on the terrace that doesn’t match at all with the house’s style. We took bruschtta and some coffees. Not bad. A plus: the place is located in a quiet area. Reasonable prices also.

  • Antonia Corici

    Antonia Corici


    Great service and food😊

  • en

    Odd Rune Braastad


    The food is exelent and the service is very good. The best restaurant in the City.

  • en

    Jean-Gabriel Le Moine


    I had mushrooms and eggplants pasta which were very good. The restaurant itself is nice. Unfortunately, while we were a group of about 20 peoples, which doesn't seem to be common in Braila, they refused to let us order desert, as apparently all the cooks were gone. One of my friend joined us during the dinner, but wasn't allowed to order either.

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