Camping Faget în Cluj-Napoca

RomâniaCamping Faget


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Cluj-Napoca, Romania
contacte telefon: +40
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 46.7257208, Longitude: 23.5804943

comentarii 5

  • Andris Papp

    Andris Papp


    Pacat de el, ar trebui sa fie cel mai frumos si dotat camping din judet...

  • Iulian Timar

    Iulian Timar


    Unfortunately, this place is a dump :(

  • Dani Dobre

    Dani Dobre


    The place is a dump! While technically closed, as it says at the reception ("INCHIS RENOVARE"), they are still taking in tourists stupid enough to pay. And they charge a lot too! I have called the manager beforehand specifically asking if they have showers and hot water. He said they do, so I climbed the steep hill with a loaded touring bike for one hour, only to find they don't have neither showers, nor hot water. The receptionist, so drunk he could barely stand on his feet, showed me the "showers": a small, dirty restroom with a toilet and a sink with cold water sprinkling in every direction. I left right away and spent the night in a nice guest house for a little extra cash! Best avoided!

  • en

    Chris street


    Utterly appalling. We throught this would be a campsite for tents, no such luck it was rent a small wooden hut. So we paid for three and then went to find them. The undergrowth round the huts consisted of chest high weeds, thistles and nettles that we had to beat down by reversing a Landrover over a few times. The whole rest of the sight looks like it was put through the revolution when Ceacescu fell and it's been abandoned since. Water supplies come from a tap that coughs a few times and then sustainably releases a few native woodlice and a stream of rusty water. We drank bottled beer instead. Toilets were - well I assume it was a lavatory it looked and smelt like an abandoned chemical waste dump. That's the one that worked. The toilet block that didn't work looked like it had been subject to the bowel movements of a disappointed dragon with digestive issues. All this pales considering what the horrors inside the hut were. Bugs. Lots of them. Earwigs, lice and bedbugs. In the bedclothes, on the matresses, up the walls... Everywhere. I still itch weeks later. After that, finding the special effects of the lightswitch that applies 230V to your fingers so you know you've found it in the dark - well that was a bit of an anti-climax. Avoid. Or if you must go, invest in a flamethrower first. And a portapotty.

  • Szabolcs Szima

    Szabolcs Szima


    Nice place

cel mai apropiat Teren de campare

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