Bucur's Shelter Hostel în București

RomâniaBucur's Shelter Hostel



🕗 programul de lucru

no. 21, Strada Bucur, București 030167, Romania
contacte telefon: +40 21 331 6965
site-ul: www.bucurs.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.421828, Longitude: 26.1079071

comentarii 5

  • en

    K C


    Not my kind of place due to the condition of the amenities such as the toilet and the showers. My friend and I wouldnt attempt to shower during our 1 night stay. Location was okay. Some friendly characters in the hostel brightened up the place. Maybe an experience with a private room and ensuite would have been better but we stayed in a 4 bed dorm.

  • en

    Mark Chang


    Cozy bed, quirky signs around the house, great breakfast selection (eggs with golden yolks, toast, jam, frosted flakes, fruit), ten minute walk from the metro along a pretty canal. They lose a star from the vibes. The common room always had either someone sleeping or an employee snuggling with their lover...also there was no music playing, which could help helped the vibe imo.

  • aturrr



    One of my favorite hostels in Europe. The owners are very nice and helpful with info about Bucharest. The rooms are spacious and the beds are very comfortable. The location is desirable with a good mix of being close to the center but also in a local neighbourhood with cheap options for bars and restaurants.

  • Joceline Lopez

    Joceline Lopez


    A bit of a walk from the city center but definitely do able. Downstairs is a nice area to chill in. The receptionist and the volunteers were very friendly and helpful. The free breakfast consisted of eggs that you prepare yourself and stale disgusting crackers and spread. No fruit.

  • Mikimeiko



    I really enjoyed my stay at Bucur's Shelter! The hostel is very nice, the common spaces are cozy and well equipped, there's a courtyard where you can smoke, the beds are comfy, the staff was superfriendly. There's no air conditioning but there was a fan in my room and with the windows open I still slept alright even in the heat of summer. The neighborhood is a little dead, but it's just a ten minute walk to the old town, so it's not a big issue. I'd definitely go back!

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