BOB Coffee Lab în București

RomâniaBOB Coffee Lab



🕗 programul de lucru

3, Piața Charles de Gaulle, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
contacte telefon: +40 748 880 038
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4655343, Longitude: 26.0856365

comentarii 5

  • Monica Teodorescu

    Monica Teodorescu


    This chic coffee spot in the middle of North Bucharest’s greenest area is a nice stop on your way, as I’ve experienced. It’s nicely designed and cozy, while the staff is really warm and helpful. They actually take the time to explain aspects about their coffee, which is great. Prices could be a bit lower, but that’s the whole extent of any even remotely negative aspects.

  • en

    little_ maru


    Great staff. Tasty strong coffee. Good prices. Would love to see a big variety of desserts in there.

  • Adriana Dumitrof

    Adriana Dumitrof


    I was passing by this place at least twice a week and I had no idea there is a coffee shop. :)) So, they have a great atmosphere and the baristas are very nice and friendly. The coffee is really tasteful and the latte is huge. They have some tables where you can sit and I really appreciate that because most of the coffee shops are super small and you don't have space to make any move.

  • en

    Andrei Senseutchi


    If you're looking for good coffee shops in Bucharest. This is a must visit. The owner won multiple international competitions for barista. They roast their own beans - so you will get an awesome experience. The place is pretty small, but very stylish. Which shouldn't be a problem if it's nice outside. Also it is right across the street from the nicest and biggest park in Bucharest.

  • Raluca M

    Raluca M


    Great coffee ☕, good atmosphere, nice music, and very nice design both interior and artwork around the coffee shop. Has outdoor sitting and the interior is cozy. Good to bring a bit of work with you or just interact with the people, everyone is friendly. The only thing I'm missing when I go there are warmer sandwiches 🥪

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