BLACK by Doncafe Brasserie en București

RumaniaBLACK by Doncafe Brasserie



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Shopping City, 2nd floor, Șos. Ploiești 42D, București, Romania
contactos teléfono: +40 733 444 777
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 44.5072785, Longitude: 26.0887563

comentarios 5

  • ro

    Alexandra Zotta


    Păcat de mâncarea buna. Fata de la intrare foarte cu nasul pe sus. Am fost 2 persoane, am rugat sa stam la masa de 4 (aveau multe libere) nu s-a putut. Av venit după noi 2 persoane cate s-au așezat la masă de 4, apoi 1 persoana tot la masa de 4. Pe bune??? Noi am mâncat aproape cu farfuriile in brate. Rog managerul sa mănînce 2 burgeri, 1 salata cu halumi si cartofi cu usturoi si parmezan la masa de 2.

  • Janett Verdugo

    Janett Verdugo


    The food was good and the place nice. One of the waiters ( a man in muscles) was very rude towards a young guest. We found it soooo unprofessional, for even if the young guest was difficult in some way, the waiter shouldn’t treat him that rude. 15 minutes later the same waiter was having problems AGAIN, this time with an older gentleman. So the good taste of the food just disappeared 😞

  • Marian Jaber

    Marian Jaber


    So it says opened till 24:00 , therefore we arrived at 22:46 , they said : we closed our kitchen , i asked : when ? , they replied : well the last order was at 22:45, and for 1 min they refused to serve dinner. So .. 1 star for the stoneage mentality. Too bad they have really delicious food, but customer thinking mentality is 0.

  • Viva Es

    Viva Es


    Really really good hamburgers. We used the offer the have now: a free classic burger or other paying the difference if you buy another one, so we saved 27 lei. Some guys of the staff are maybe too serious.

  • Monica Teodorescu

    Monica Teodorescu


    Not immediately visible or really that well-advertised, this brasserie is hidden on top of Baneasa Shopping City in the North of Bucharest. If you’re tired after a day of shopping and longing for some relaxation, this is a nice, quiet spot, where you can refuel and recharge. It’s reasonably priced, well-staffed and the food is delicious - especially the different varieties of fries. The design and atmosphere are nice too, but there is a trade-off. It’s location allows it to have a rooftop terrace, but it is really underwhelming and not really worth it. Not only is it difficult to catch good sights from there, but the fit and finish and furniture are not really up to the standards that the interior promises. And the interior is quite lovely. It’s a decent spot, if there’s a breeze and not too much sun, but not really worth it. All in all, you should check this place out, because the food is bound to be to everybody’s taste.

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