Bistro Engels City în Cluj-Napoca

RomâniaBistro Engels City



🕗 programul de lucru

107, Calea Dorobanților, Cluj-Napoca, Municipiul Cluj - Napoca, RO Rumunia
contacte telefon: +40 742 907 000
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 46.776825, Longitude: 23.613936

comentarii 5

  • Victor Pastor

    Victor Pastor


    Decent food but waitresses are disastrous! They are not paying attention to what customer is ordering. Beside our food I clearly asked for a long coffee with milk (americano with milk) and my friend asked a cola and I clearly specified that I want my coffee after I finish my meal. So she brings our drinks right away: for my friend she brings lime cola 😮 (not his order) and for me she brings a double espresso with milk (not my order and way too soon). I refused the double espresso. After we finished our meal I asked for my coffee, and I had to ask for it again because it never came. Eventually my coffee came. Now the bill: she charged me on the bill a double espresso 😮 They were very rude and kept telling me that that is what I ordered and that is what I have to pay 😮 (of course I payed a long coffee with milk) They are incredibly sour and bitter and they could not care less about customers, I even wonder why they keep doing that job... I really have no words to express their disregard for customers!! So shame for that location because it seems a nice location. I have decided not to go there anymore, feel sorry for that! So shame in Cluj one can not find a place where they really care for customers if they are content or happy or on the contrary.

  • en

    Petriş Denisa


    The waitress didn't ask me if I wanted sugar or any other sweeteners in my ice tea and I didn't mention I did not want any because I thought I'll be getting sugar seperately. I got syrup visibly floating in my tea and the mug had a huge hand-shaped foundation mark on it which I didn't really appreciate. Also, the toilet consists of just one chamber and one stool and the door can't be locked. Oh and the hand dryer is placed so high you literally have to put your hands up in the air.

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    Dragos Voicu Todea


    Imi place. Amabili, meniu bogat, mancare buine gatita, preturi ok, se misca bine. Au si o terasa spre strada un pic zgomotoasa din cauz atraficului. Parcare in zona fie pe strada, intre blocuri sau la Profi la 3 minute pe jos.

  • Raluca Fenesan

    Raluca Fenesan


    Waited for an hour for food and still wasn't served. Waitress didn't even bother to give us an estimation of how long it might take for our orders (6) to come, despite one of us specifically asking. People from the nearby tables were getting their orders in maximum 10 mins, especially the daily menu. All this has shown lack of professionalism and I doubt I'll come back again.

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    Adrian Codarcea


    E ok locația. Sunt locuri de parcare lucru care face locația ft atrăgătoare. Mic dejun bun. Pacat de cafea. Innaibte era Segafredo...acum nu știu ce este dar nu mai este așa buna

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