Berestroika - Beer Revolution! în București

RomâniaBerestroika - Beer Revolution!



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57, Aleea Căuzași, 030803, București, Municipiul București, RO Rumunia
contacte telefon: +40 722 560 300
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.427368, Longitude: 26.113386

comentarii 5

  • ro

    Adrian Poenaru


    Pro: locatie draguta, mancare gustoasa (atat cele de inspiratie italieneasca, cat si cele traditionale), bere gustoasa facuta de ei. Contra: serviciul lasa de dorit, chiar si cu localul pe jumatate gol este greu sa te faci remarcat de catre chelneri. Preturile sunt peste medie, mancarea este mai scumpa decat in Trattoria Il Calcio, fara sa ofere varietatea si serviciul acelora (doar un exemplu).

  • en

    Jeff Mock


    A little bit out of the way, but definitely worth the trip. Great beer and huge portions of food for not a lot of money. Wish we we would have been here in the Summer because the outdoor seating area looked amazing. You can call ahead and they will set up a barbecue for large parties. A must stop if ever coming to Bucharest.

  • en

    Marius Vasile


    Good place to go if you want to avoid the city center crowds. A varied food menu and good overall service. The main selling point for this place is its inhouse microbrewery. They don't overcomplicate things like all the hipster beers do, the only thing you need to know is that the beer batches vary in quality every month. While usually it's good no matter what, the mantle of the 'best' changes frequently, from white beer to red, so you have to try them all :))) Cheers!

  • fi

    Otso Mäkelä


    Hauska pieni ravintola joka tekee omat oluensa ravintolan alakerrassa sijaitsevassa pienpanimossa. Mukava henkilökunta joka tykkää näyttää paikkoja ja kertoa varsinkin turisteille paikan historiasta ja oluen valmistusprosessista. Oluita pääsee tietenkin myös maistamaan - kaikki maistamani todella hyviä. Ruokalistassa on tarjolla monenlaista intialaisesta romanialaiseen ruokaan. Itse otin ribsejä, joissa oli kyllä hieman parantamisen varaa, sen vuoksi yksi tähti pois.

  • Alesya O

    Alesya O


    On a mission to try some local beer, we read online reviews of this place & came to check it out. Met the owner & her husband (the brewer) - both very friendly. We beat the dinner rush and while waiting for our food, we chatted a bit with the owner who offered us a tour of the establishment, sharing about their beers & brewing process. She also spoke with evident pride in her voice about offering homemade and seasonal foods, noting that many locals have become regulars and visitors enjoy the traditional Romanian foods. The place has a great layout & various private rooms (perfect for celebration events or small parties). Loved the painted murals inside - they were beautiful & added a nice element to the venue! Sampled 3 beers (white, blond, dark) and I choose their blond, which was pleasant, fresh tasting and springlike. Regarding the food, we tried the vegetarian dumplings (filling was good but outer layer a bit harder than I prefer), vegetable soup (good), white bread (okay), honey ribs & tandoori chicken (both fantastic). Overall - nice place and I would return to try more Indian & Romanian food.

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