Beans&Dots în București




🕗 programul de lucru

Strada Actor Ion Brezoianu, 010131, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 775 522 730
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.435619, Longitude: 26.094666

comentarii 5

  • Corina Micu

    Corina Micu


    This place is so cool. I like the way it is designed. I love the coffee. I enjoy the people who come here to drink coffee and work ☺

  • Radu Solo

    Radu Solo


    9 out of 10 the coffee was excellent, sweets variety is almost irresistible and everybody from the staff are smiling even if sometimes is busy, they are making very good service! Thank you guys

  • Wiliam Bognar

    Wiliam Bognar


    One of the few specialty coffee places in Bucharest. Great atmosphere, coffee and people. Also with good design and esthetics :)

  • en

    Andrei Senseutchi


    One of the coolest place in town. It has great coffee. The beans are from the famous "The Barn". But they actually "had me" at carrot cake :) Amazing. It's a cool and relaxed atmosphere, the staff is super nice and it's pet friendly. PS Don't forget to grab a coffee stamp card, which the guys stamp every time you get a coffee. 5 stamps = free coffee :)

  • Mihai Stefanescu

    Mihai Stefanescu


    Really nice and friendly place. The staff is really nice and the coffee is excellent. They have a selection of exotic and romanian craft beers and a few deserts. The place is usually not crowded with the exception of weekend when there are different events like clothing expositions. The entrance is easy to miss but overall a nice place to hang out, have a cup of coffee and chat.

cel mai apropiat Cafenea

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