Bălcescu 26 în București

RomâniaBălcescu 26


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26, Bulevardul Nicolae Bălcescu, 030167, București, Municipiul București, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 745 016 543
site-ul: www.balcescu26.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 44.4394071, Longitude: 26.1008038

comentarii 2

  • Andrei Trifon

    Andrei Trifon


  • en

    George Ciubotariu


    It's a nice place overall. It's next to one of the noisiest streets and the air isn't that clean and at night it's pretty annoying. However, it didn't disturb my sleep but for somebody more sensitive that'd be a pain in the back. The building is just a communist-like flat from outside but gives an astonishing view at first, as there is a well finished marble staircase from the last century inside. However, behind the first door there is an elevator and a modern designed apartment flat which is contradictory to what seemed at first glance. I love that there are three different styles merged together. It's an unique experience. By the way, be careful with the door. It slams loudly behind you and the echo will haunt you forever. On the one hand, the rooms are nice, full of light, modern and clean. On the other hand, the windows are not going to suppress the noise of the city for you. Nonetheless, I highly recommend anyone not affected by the sound to stay in here as for what you pay, you get a stay in the centre of Bucharest, in best conditions: kitchen, bathtub, tv, sofa, air freshener that you might have to plug out of the socket not to asphyxiate you with its smell and whatever you wish.

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