Autonom în Brașov




🕗 programul de lucru

Lunideschis 24 de ore
Marțideschis 24 de ore
Miercurideschis 24 de ore
Joideschis 24 de ore
Vinerideschis 24 de ore
Sâmbătădeschis 24 de ore
Duminicădeschis 24 de ore
88, Strada Bisericii Române, 500080, Brașov, Municipiul Brașov, RO Rumunia
contacte telefon: +40 268 543 801
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 45.654881, Longitude: 25.591868

comentarii 5

  • Spyros Zafeiriadis

    Spyros Zafeiriadis


    Great experience with Autonom. Everything was as promised, very professional behaviour and very kind people. I will definitely trust them again if I visit Romania again in the future.

  • en

    Service Desk Romania


    very bad experience -i would not recommend. i received the car with full tank , but after 2-3 km -one line of the gas metter droped -i went straight to the gas station and filled with 23l of gasoline. The last day before dropoff i fille up the gas tank until gasoline -dripped out of the reservoir -and on the display the tank meter was missing 2 lines until full. When i told them that i just filled up (3-4km before ), they asked me to go to the gas station again so i can prove this - The tank was full -as they noticed ( only 1,5 l manage to sqeeze in the tank . I lose another 30 minutes just to see that the gas mettering sistem was defective !!

  • claudio somigli

    claudio somigli


    Incredible customer service. Nice guys, gave us discount, we returned an awfully dirty car (outside) and didn't say anything .Look no further for renting a car in Brasov. Their Cluj Napoca colleagues are as good as this guys. Generally a really nice company.

  • ro

    Ioan Hatnean


    Cateva experiente cu autonom. Toate au fost la fel. TOP Masina, predare primire, echipa, etc Serviciul este cel mai bun din tara!! Profesionisti.. Recomand oriunde in Romania😀👍

  • Rhys Tan

    Rhys Tan


    Unfortunately our experience with them wasn't satisfactory. If you want to go with them, make sure you get car hire excess insurance coverage like we did. Picking up the car took about 45 minutes. They didn't organise the GPS we booked, so we're left using phone for the first day. The car was covered in a layer of dust, on a cloudy day, made checking for scratches/marks difficult. The check so hurried relative to when we returned the car. After going around the car twice, in the bright hot sun, he spotted a faint mark which was less than a couple of centimeters long and said 80% of the time that wouldn't have a problem and they would call us if they were to charge us. Well, there was no call back from them despite our attempt to contact to sort it out. A week after we got back in UK, we saw a charge of 103 Euro on our card. Getting documents for insurance claim was tedious requiring several emails. Poor communication. Unethical. I wouldn't recommend.

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