Taj Mahal în Brașov

RomâniaTaj Mahal



🕗 programul de lucru

3, Strada Mureșenilor, 500026, Brașov, Municipiul Brașov, RO Romania
contacte telefon: +40 749 946 346
site-ul: www.tajrestaurant.ro
harta mai mare şi direcţii
Latitude: 45.6434306, Longitude: 25.5882329

comentarii 5

  • en

    Deenanath Bantwal


    The service was poor and so was the setting/ dark dinghy. the food was atrocious. There was not even a hint of Indian-ness in the food. It is am absolute ridicule of Indian cuisine. I wish the restaurant did not experiment with the cuisine. PLEASE AVOID FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. JUST SERVING PAPADS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS INDIAN CUISINE

  • Diana Cucu

    Diana Cucu


    I've been here like 6-7 times, and it never failed me. Really good food and the manager is a lovely person, he really knows how to talk to his customers, tell them about each ingredient and dish served. Definitely worth trying! (and coming back) Big up!

  • Vlad Ilie

    Vlad Ilie


    Excellent food! Not great atmosphere, the music is changed often in the middle of the song

  • Savita Singhal

    Savita Singhal


    I think I was the first Indian to eat there. I won’t comment much about the ambience as wherever I have visited Indian restaurants outside India, there are very few which can maintain classy ambience. But the most important part is good. Well this particular restaurant doesn’t serve Indian food. The food served is no where even near to Indian authenticity. It’s some other cuisine which uses some Indian names of dishes in their cuisine and may be using some Indian spices here and there. I am not even sure if they even know what a naan is , as I got something weird called naan. What a waste.

  • Teodora Barbu

    Teodora Barbu


    I found here the yummiest indian food I've ever eaten, lovely service and you can choose to sit outside in the garden or inside in the lovely decorated interior. If they say that a dish is spicy you better believe them but then again there are special drinks with yogurt that you can order that taste like the nectar of gods. I warmly recommend it if you're a fan of Asian cuisine.

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